परमेश्वर कबीर साहिब जी चारों युगों में नामांतर करके शिशु रूप में प्रकट होते हैं और एक-एक शिष्य बनाते हैं जिससे कबीर पंथ का प्रचार होता है। सतयुग - सहते जी त्रेता - बंके जी द्वापर - चतुर्भुज जी कलियुग - धर्मदास जी
Dowry is curse
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Dowry is a bad practice curse for society To take dowry and give is a curse to society sanit ramapal ji maharaja is a saint who has abolished dowry malpractice by root and son daughter to both Dowry prohibition for dowry prohibition for dowry practice dowry system for dowry will be done till dowry will be stopped by the man who will be suffering from a dowry and will makes will harsh punishment by the person who will be condemned to the end of dowry practice Dowry is not a press. It is the social way of taking beat the difference is just as the neck of the giving and the takers are big Watch this video